Monday, February 27, 2006

the art of the temples of madurai

the pyramids on top of the temples are very elaborately deocrated and sculptured, teeming with thousands of different deities, gods, angels, devils and things we dont really know about.

the atmosphere in the temples was very strong as people go on pilgrimage of thousands of kilomoters in india to reach these temples (sometimes on foot) and when they reach there they worship the statues with great zeal.
people also sleep and eat inside the temple, and the temple holds elephants and camels which are used in a daily ritual showing the symbolic marriage of shive and parvati, linga and yoni, male and female.
in the night their statues are brought together in a big procession to their marriage chamber, and in the morning they are each brought back to their own chamber.

however incorrect information has baffled us and other people who were there with us, and we didnt get to see this ceremony.
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