Monday, February 27, 2006

the elusive elephant festival and a bad experience...

on that day, (which is to remind you, still the 2nd day with the motorcycle)
we were going to search for some elephant festival which was to sport no less than 18 (!) fully decorated elephants. we drove through kapil beach to the small towns, to the place described to us, but we didnt find any elephants... all the places had elephant festivals but on different days. in our searches we finally stumbles on an elephant farm, which accomodates the elephants and lends them to temples when necessary. there we saw the bathing of an elephant and had a (very) close encounter with this animal which is so gentle in captivity and so wild and dangerous in the wild.

look at the enormous ...

after that we drove back before it got dark. unfortunately we had a very very small and minor problem, that our bike "slipped" a little, but because we were driving slowly we were not hurt except a few scratches... but definitely "kol kalb biji yomo" and this is our final adventure with bikes forever and ever... dont worry! Posted by Picasa

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